Far Off Things

Far Off Things Arthur Machenn

تعریف مفهومی Far Off Things

معرفی Far Off Things

Well, as I say, I found myself on a certain night a partaker of all this cheerfulness. I was one guest among many; there were explorers and ambassadors and great scientific personages and judges, and the author who has given the world the best laughter that it has enjoyed since Dickens died: in a word, I was in much more distinguished company than that to which I am accustomed. And after dinner the Persians (as I will call them) have a kindly and courteous custom of praising their guests; and to my astonishment and delight the speaker brought me into his oration and said the kindest and most glowing things imaginable about a translation I once made of the "Heptameron" of Margaret of Navarre. I was heartily pleased; I hold with Foker in "Pendennis" that every fellow likes a hand. Praise is grateful, especially when there has not been too much of it.

Far Off Things is a series of autobiographical sketches by the great Arthur Machen; notice how even in fairly mundane prose from nearly the beginning, there's a haunting quality to the words themselves.


Product Details

  • Paperback: 140 pages
  • Publisher: Aegypan (May 1, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1606644904
  • ISBN-13: 978-1606644904

قیمت به تومان:
اشتراک گذاری این مطلب در شبکه های اجتماعی:

نکات قابل توجه:

  • به محض انجام پرداخت موفق، لینک دانلود فایل در اختیار شما قرار می گیرد.
  • کیفیت تمامی فایلها تضمین شده است و در صورت وجود نواقص در فایلها مبلغ پرداختی قابل برگشت است. توضیحات و مشخصات فایلهای ذکر شده است.
  • پرداختها از طریق درگاه واسط آرین پال و در محیطی کاملا ایمن انجام می شود و امکان پرداخت با کلیه کارتهای عضو شتاب مقدور می باشد
  • پاسخگویی به سوالات و ابهامات شما در سریعترین زمان ممکن انجام می شود.

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